Memorial Day
Every empire should have a memorial day to celebrate the fallen and the empire they built.
It used to be called the War Department, but the name was changed to the Defense Department in September of 1947. The Defense Department title accurately reflects the double speak that is the nation’s continuing legacy.
The US is spending, the visible budget, 738 billion on the war machine, more than 800 installations in 130 something countries, it’s a sword rattling nation, bristling with military might, the first to let it be known that American hegemony and dominion, the might of a very expensive military industrial complex, corporate welfare to the maximum degree, must be acknowledged.
I propose cutting the offense department budget and spending the money on peoples’ welfare, like universal health care during a pandemic. It is curious that on a day to celebrate the empire, it never comes up.
So salute the troops, 2.5 million of them, a form of socialism the government controls, also a non subject. It’s an empire folks, and very expensive to maintain, pursuing the interests of a ruling class of rich people.