Because of the establishment of the colony in Israel for the world’s Jews in 1948, “From the river to the sea” ain’t happening for the Palestinian people. The places they once inhabited, they are now Israel, in an unfolding Greater Israel plan to make the nation about as big as it was when a mythological figure ran the place, Solomon, now that “the people” have returned to a place of their religion’s historic greatness.
Today, the ruins of what was essentially a penal colony for 2 and a half million humans, Gaza, with ruins for homes, people bombed into submission, and subjugation. A bombed out subjugated people, 14,000 of them slaughtered in like 40 days, paid for with American tax dollars.
The facts on the ground say the Palestinians need some place to live in peace. UN Resolution 242, remember that one, it needs revisiting, it was supposed to resolve the 1967 war, a two state solution. There are millions of displaced Palestinians, half of them children, the demographics of the situation makes equitably resolving it a categorical imperative for peace in the area. A large number of innocents have been killed in the conflict.
Bibi has a plan, it is not the two state solution, it’s Palestinian subjugation, or the expulsion of millions of people. It is an intractable situation because religious zealots are calling the shots on both sides of this conflict, in the name of their God, apparently, the same one.