Julian Assange and the Sedition Act
Why does the Alien and Sedition act of World War One oppression apply to an Australian citizen rotting in a British dungeon, but not to Donald Trump and his associates trying to overturn the results of the Presidential election, by hook or by crook?
Assange’s prosecution is really an attack on the First Amendment, press freedom, called sedition, “conspiring to hack” with Manning.
How about attempting, a month after the election, to subvert an election, by hook or by crook? Graham and McConnell got re elected. A fixed election would have done those boys in, and the rest of the Republicans who won election.
Sedition is the attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. The WW1 Act was about being unpatriotic to the military and the war effort. They called it sedition. What do you call trying to overturn the results of an election, by hook or by crook, I call it sedition.