Harley Creel
1 min readJun 14, 2024



Isn’t in the Constitution, it’s in a Supreme Court Decision, Marbury vs Madison. The Court gave itself the power to say that Executive and Legislative decisions had to be agreeable with it’s reading of the Constitution. John Marshall decided this because he could, in 1803. The Court gave itself this power and called it “judicial review”.

The present unelected Supreme Court has taken on administrative state regulations passed by Congress, environmental laws dealing with public health, medical procedures, and equal rights for women. This is “interpreting the Constitution” by redefining it, maybe down the road giving a secular government religion.

Read the Second Amendment, written in 1789. Read the Fourteenth Amendment. The Second Amendment is about being in a well regulated militia before a standing army replaced them in 1796. It’s not about gun anarchy, and legalizing machine guns for domestic use.

The Fourteenth is about sedition and the eligibility of seditionists to serve in government, written after the Civil War, in 1868. Congress has failed to act to enforce the act. Jefferson Davis was never tried for treason. The Trump coup is still in progress, he’s running again, his insurrection case delayed by the Supreme Court, he may get elected in November.

The present court is using judicial review to legislate from the bench because Congress lacks the political will to regulate the court with legislation, impeachment, or increasing the size of the court, all in the Constitution, it lacks the will to act.


