So what can be concluded from that? The Republicans are running on inflation, the economy. The economy isn’t bad, the inflation is, a consequence of increased demand, pandemic recovery, and increased employment, millions of new jobs. Because of these factors, The Fed raised interest rates, increasing unemployment and creating stagflation, and slowing the economy by reducing consumer demand.
Biden is who he is, he listened to Wall Street and the Bankers, The Federal Reserve Bank, as will the Republicans if they take over. The inflation is global and the product of global economics. The people who are profiting the most from the inflation are the big banks, the credit card people, the oil cartel, who will welcome Republican control of Congress.
There is no cure for the pandemic induced inflation but time, when supply meets demand, and the markets stabilize worldwide. If the political class were truth tellers, they would have made it clear to the general public that the inflation problem is a demand problem because of restricted supply.
Politics and politicians do not control supply and demand, these are market forces, the invisible hand of the marketplace. When supply matches demand, interest rates are stable.