3/29/23, Evan, a reporter for Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal got busted in Russia for picking up dirt on Putin’s Russia. He’s been locked up for exactly one year today.
The US has had Julian Assange locked up for close to ten years for publishing US war crimes during the Iraq invasion based on lies.
Assange has not been charged with publishing Hillary’s emails, which he did, the US line is that the Russians published Hillary’s emails, and Assange has said no, he got the emails from a non governmental source, and the Russians had no role in the matter.
The Australian government, an American ally, wants its citizen freed, while the US is hell bent on bringing Assange to trial using the Espionage Act of 1917, to charge a publisher for publishing war crimes by the US government.
It is a given, the ruthlessness and hypocrisy of world powers.