Democracy on trial is not a peculiarly American election problem, citizens attacking the democratic process and elections. Think of some place else where this has gone on. Iraq has recently had election protests during the process by the various factions, Egypt’s government declared martial law during it’s Arab Spring elections.
Armed and masked poll watchers in America? Hard to imagine during my school days, my friend , the VP of the High School, stumbling over the Pledge of Allegiance over the school intercom because he was nervous doing “I pledge allegiance to the flag, etc.” Feeling sorry for my friend in a classroom filled with other high schoolers, our hands over our hearts, I could not have imagined where this nation which sells liberty and justice for all to its citizens has found itself.
Donald Trump has changed the nation. He started this craze. His is a fine madness, a pathological lier and a narcissist, a confidence man of rare ability, a tax cheat, who has never been held accountable for his behavior, and has created “it is what it is,” MAGA, and Trump nation. It is a self delusional movement, Trumpism. Imagine this autocrat back in the Whitehouse.
Here and now in America, election workers are being threatened, voters harrassed at the polls, Republican Trump nation threating the election process. This is not Republicans being tough on crime. This country, both parties, is really good at locking people up, it’s an industry here, the prison industrial complex. Rich people like Trump generally walk, and not much has happened yet to people threatening election workers, poll workers, or voters at the polls.
The DNC is a flawed party compromised by factionalism and corporate donors, but it is not telling its voters that the elections they lost are rigged, they are not sanctioning disabling and discrediting the election process.
It is an odd sense of patriotism to vote for election deniers, or to agree with these people. Stay tuned, rule by Republicans and Trump nation and the religious zealots in the Supreme Court to save the soul of their nation is their program in January.
The Federal Reserve Bank interest rate hikes and the corporate media polls are both selling an Inflation/Economic crisis this election, the corporate suits see tax cuts for corporations with a Republican Congress.
It’s a threats to elections, inflation, fight crime dogwhistle, election, the threats are real, so is the dogwhistle, the inflation is economics, supply and demand, not politics.