Seditionist Americans, members of Congress, and their allies in the state legislatures, the people here who want to elect Donald J Trump and the Republican party elites, have sold many Americans their treasonous agenda, ending a republic by election.
I’d like to blame that old cold warrior, Joe Biden, and the Democratic National Committee for making this a probability. He said he was the incumbent, the Democrat party agreed, his nomination in the bag?
Joe has pursued the interests of the establishment party, including the colony in Israel, and Bibi Netanyahu looks to bring down his presidency with Biden’s tacit and continued support of the slaughter of women and children with American Arms in Gaza.
Biden’s an old party functionary, has been one since elected to the Senate in Delaware, and Trump’s shown himself to be bordering on a pathological personality. The Supreme Court and Judge Cannon have effectively stymied the rule of law and Trump until who knows when.
Trump’s strategy of questioning the election process with “stop the steal,” has had continued success in the minds of his followers. Trump has convinced millions of people that he is a victim of a conspiracy by the established government to frame him with fake trials, which he will avoid by canceling them once elected in November.