Why sell this bogus wire, because you can to the American public. Think about it, it’s collective punishment and murder. That the US government allows itself to buy this idea, then sells it to the American public, is a lack of respect for our common sense.
Hamas is hiding with the population, so a city has to be destroyed with American dollars. Where else would they be? It’s one of the most densely populated places on earth, Gaza. There is nowhere to hide but underground. The dead will not remember, but their relatives will, a fine way to find peace through slaughter.
The US could have tried to be an honest broker. But instead embraced a right wing religious zealot who wants to bring back Solomon’s Greater Israel, Bibi Netanyahu.
Israel has universal health care, an army paid for by the American public, gets 3.8 billion a year in support from you, for a country with a little over 10 million people.