A museum dedicated to a zoology created by human imagination, imagination personified by creatures of imagination. Who knew? A friend of mine in the South of France, his son, a prof in Marseilles, hustled his department to help fund his trip to the imaginary creature museum in Maine last month. The Yeti, Abomidable Snowman, Bigfoot, Cupacabras, who knows what, may be in the exhibits.
It’s on line, the INTERNATIONAL CRYPTOZOOLOGY MUSEUM, plan your trip today.
The post suggests a wide range of exhibits from rare scientific zoological specimens relevant to acknowledgements of the insights and folk traditions to be found within cryptozoology.
There are two sites, 10 to 6 in Portland, weekdays, and Friday and Saturday, 10 to 4 in Bangor, Maine. Portland, $10, adults, children, $5, Bangor, $2 for all.
The museum’s vision is imagination, its founders’, its patrons’, exploring the relevant anthropological and psychological insights folklore and folk traditions humans amuse and confound themselves with, on display in Maine. Enjoy.