Harley Creel
1 min readMay 20, 2023



The House of Representatives, with 435 members, has 220 Republicans and 215 non Republicans, or 219 to 216, or so, which somehow means the Republicans have a 4 vote majority in the House, the Senate has been fine tuned to be a minority controlled body, it takes 60 votes to get anything passed, because of a contrivance, the filibuster. The non republicans have 50 Senators, one does not know where she has been, and isn’t back from anywhere, and one, Joe Manchin, who always votes his self interest, and the energy companies, and the Senator fom Arizona, who is now an independent, whatever that means for her, she was elected as a Democrat, they funded her campaign.

The present President ran on bipartisanship, he used to be the Senator from Deleware, the first home of the corporatocracy, in a country where corporations are people and money is speech.

A group of Congress people, Republicans, can crash the economy, and they will, unless their programs, those of 1/3 of the government by 4 votes, are followed, and you can watch.



Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.