may bring down a ship of state with double speak and blither. If I hear Trump’s 350 billion exageration again, I’ll expect the riff about not having any cards. It’s a we are adrift in a sea of change message. Grab your socks, the water is rising, your ship of state is sinking, smell the coffee, the US is cutting you loose, unless you pay.
Will it take Europe to save the day, if it is to be saved? Congress, voted for Trump, he owns the Supreme Court, Ukraine can not count on the USA.
Trump has trumpeted, you got Biden’s help for free, that boat has sailed, and Putin’s my boy, you are not, put up or shut up, as new day dawns on America, as the World watches, a shift in the tides of war and peace.
Presidential news conferences will limit access in the future to so called fake news, the Associated Press, etc, and America’s European alliances are now on thin ice.