Now it’s a Supreme Court Judge in Wisconsin, because of gerrymandering, the legislature impeaching a judge for political reasons, policy, not for high crimes and misdemeanors, or malfeasance in office. The Supreme Court has already compromised one person one vote by making money speech and corporations people.
This Supreme Court says Second Amendment is now not about militias in 1789, its about the necessity of arming the populace with the gun chaos of assault rifles and mass murder and accepting this new reality, their interpretation of an amendment written before militias were replaced by a standing army in 1796.
The 14th Amendment, the one about sedition written after the last civil war, in 1868, how will the Supreme Court find a way not to enforce the Amendment? We’ll see with judicial review, if the Court sees this amendment is unenforcable.
Gerrymandering has broken one person one vote. Successfully, broken by people who believe in power, not democracy, in the new, evolving, civil war, in State houses across the land, sedition from gerrymandered legislatures.