caring about other people
Caring about other people seems to be lacking in the present reality of too many people in this country, potential patriots, who give lip service to “land of the free and home of the brave.”
We have met the enemy and the enemy is us. This is ridiculous, dangerous and stupid. You can save the day, like Mighty Mouse. Care about other people in food lines, desperate, hanging on, barely.
Have some respect and tolerance for the other people in your world, even the ones you don’t particularly cotton to, it’s Thanksgiving, the last Thursday in November.
Caring about other people means recognizing that you are in a raging pandemic and acting accordingly. Put down the willful ignorance, give us all a break, be a patriot, get with the pandemic program, save some lives this Thanksgiving. Stay home, wear a mask, socially distance, and may kindness and compassion rule the day.