On a Wednesday, an update on the drive under Postmaster General De Joy to privatize a non profit public service, America’s first and only public service, the postal service, a for profit business, will finally be accomplished by the Republican plan to end this entitlement program, a public service postal service, a for profit business.
Biden has not acted. He talks and talks and gets out maneuvered by the Republican caucus, which does not believe in bipartisanship, it has a scorched earth policy.
Now, look at the Supreme Court. The Second Amendment is about bearing arms in state, formerly colonial, militias, written in 1788, before there was a standing army. The country has had, until this incarnation of the Supreme Court, gun laws, soon, none, if any.
The First Amendment on religious liberty, is about not establishing a state religion, it is about a supposedly secular government, that lasted until recently. Now religious zealots run the court, Christian, partisan, zealots, who are in the process of turning women into vessels of their god concept, in what was founded as a secular nation.
Bipartisanship is dead, and the insurrection is progressing nicely, Putin has allies in the Republican caucus, the war in Ukraine, human catastrophe, with no end in sight.