Harley Creel
1 min readNov 23, 2021



Authoritarians do this, right, left, or in the middle, manufacture an official reality. Here, a right wing movement to control information, diabolical strategies. The critical race theory mantra is about race and censorship to create a defined reality.

The “stop the steal” movement is an attempt at creating such an official reality, elections can’t be trusted unless their side wins, elections lost are rigged by the Democrats, the DNC.

The critical aspect of this for this society is that the plan is working. Many Americans see censorship as necessary to “save the nation”. The situation is manifested in the number of people in the country who choose to believe the ridiculous and the absurd. It makes no sense to deny the existence of the pandemic, refuse to get vaccinated for personal reasons, while the dead continue to pile up.

Banning books because you want to deny reality, history, your real heritage, has come back to America. Here we are.




Harley Creel

Wondering through an adventure in consciousness, clernfimmel.wordpress.com, has some stories.