Autocrats and Corona virus, 7/13/20
Most autocrats aren’t doing well with the disease. The USA, Brazil, India, Iran, Turkey, Russia, think of some others, why are autocrats bad at virus, they will it away, ignore science, medicine, experts, it’s all about their mind meld with an alternate reality all their own, our stable genius couldn’t pass his college boards, would have been stuck in the dumb kids classes, remedial education, so he bought the test, that’s intelligence.
CNN surprised me. Those Cubans, it was reported Sunday, are doing an excellent job with the virus, 11 million people with a national health plan, universal care, and because for some odd reason they believed what the medical community was telling them, they have been successful in containing the pandemic. America isn’t allowed to say anything good about those Cubans, who the US is still blockading, since 1959, the former colony.
Our fearless leader has dismissed the virus. You’re going to see how that works out going forward. He creates enough chaos, he may just get reelected, his plan. It’s Monday, should be a brutal week for the medical profession.