I remain optimistic that the starving people in Gaza and those engaged at war with Russia in Ukraine will get cut a break. The wars are looking for any excuse to stop, the proxy war in Ukraine, and the elimination of the Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, and the Occupied Territories.
The people in Gaza live in rubble and are subject to collective punishment by an occupying power. The world does not seem to care, or care enough. Ukraine today is the product of great power engagement, Russia and its allies vs the US and NATO.
Gaza is the product of the foundation of the state of Israel in 1948, a colony imposed on the Middle East. The facts on the ground, the Palestinians see themselves as captives, the Israelis see themselves as their captors, it’s an untenable situation.
Will the world find an excuse to stop the killing? It has one with Sinwar’s death. Wrote about the genocide in Gaza yesterday, which continues, a small war is developing in Lebanon, as Iran and Yemen look to be next.