Israel and the Palestinians do not have one. There are two groups of religious zealots fighting a colonial war, the settlers and the displaced locals.
In 1973, during the Yom Kippur War, there were a little over 5,000,000 in Israel, now there are 10,000,000 and a billions a year aid package from the US.
The Palestinians and the Israelis need an honest broker where there is none available. Something has to be done about Gaza as a prison camp, and the West Bank and Jerusalem as territories to be expropriated by settler Israelis.
Israel is run by radical reactionary religious zealots, as is what’s left of Palestine, the Palestine that was in 1917, when the Turks called the shots, is ancient history, Israel is a colony imposed on people who did not want them there.
Israel was a European colony imposed on Palestine. It is not going away.