America’s for profit health care
The US has led the way during the corona virus pandemic, the most cases, the most deaths, the example of the least universal health care system in the developed world, people here can’t go to the doctor because they get sick and can’t afford to go.
The recent bailouts, the current administration and the loyal opposition, the Democrats, funded their donors. The people, who were told they would get unemployment insurance, have discovered that that system doesn’t work very well, while the donor class got their dough, and who got the PPP money, has been classed as a secret by the Secretary of the Treasury.
This virus does not discriminate. The death toll here is expected to rise to 200,000 by October. Nobody talks about a non profit health care system, a public health system during a pandemic, with an election in November.
I find this curious. Even Bernie has been silent. Is the for profit health care system complicit in America’s pathetic response to the pandemic, along with the current administration’s denial of that reality?