Harley Creel
1 min read4 days ago



The planet has some serious weather problems. Bibi’s war has destroyed the community of captive people in Palestine, and Joe Biden and Donald Trump are locked in an election about what?

It’s about democracy and the Republic which is in the middle of an unresolved insurrection. It is about who rules America. A lot of money has been raised in this election. Where that money has gone says volumes about the values of the ruling class.

The ruling class has the power it does, the corporate giants, the big banks, the military industrial complex, the oil cartel, the vested interests in the Stock Market, big Pharma, a corporate, for profit medical system, an activist Supreme Court, vs democracy, a republic, the ballot and the vote, and all of us pursuing life, liberty and the American dream, because of the rights established in the US Constitution, and the election system.

Stop the steal was about ending a democracy, denying the validity of a free and fair election. This game is in play today. One side wins, or the game is rigged. The big money is betting on the election deniers to win.

One side will accept the results only if it wins. Big money has undue influence with the advertising, corporate lobbies, financial entanglements that have undue influence on Congress and its members compromised by fund raising and active influence peddling.

It’s a dream election. Don’t wake up.


