America’s Christmas Nightmare
Anti- Intellectualism for Christmas, what a gift. Anti science, anti medical knowledge it took civilized society thousands of years to create, knowledge, facts, what is real not imagined, science, medical knowledge to deal with pandemics, and no, the willfully ignorant decide to believe what is bordering on a mad king without any clothes.
In high school these people were taught science, they go to the doctor, but this year, during a pandemic, they decided to believe a nut job, who has escaped the Capital, for Florida.
Eighty million or so are on the road, and oblivious is the word that explains America’s nightmare Christmas, unfolding for the holidays. The hospitals are going to stop taking people, it may be like nothing ever seen here, the sad results of human folly.
Get with the program. Listen to science, the medical people, not people who are responsible for this Christmas nightmare. Make the new year sane, stay home.