Afghanistan and Skyscrapers
Skyscrapers, steel framed buildings, have been around since 1882. They are everywhere. Only three skyscrapers in history have been brought down by fires. The buildings are designed to resist plane crashes, fires, they have an exoskeleton and have been known to burn for months. The apartment tower in London and the tower in Dubai are examples. The tower in Dubai is still there. The London tower was torn down.
The first responders of 9/11 are dying from the toxic clouds produced by the explosions as the Trade Towers fell into piles of molten metal.This does not happen to steel framed buildings, but it did. The third building fell down late in the afternoon, Building 7, a steel framed building, collapsed, hit by nothing.
Afghanistan and skyscrapers, look around. Three skyscrapers in the history of architecture have melted into piles of molten metal, the reason for the US being in Afghanistan.