I never took to the Arabs with box cutters story, had once seen a documentary on how the buildings were constructed done by the Port Authority of NY, hyping their construction, the Trade Towers. The buildings were constructed with steel framed exoskeletons, and an inner core of steel girders at the centers of the buildings, both 1300 feet tall, the tallest buildings in the world when built. They were designed to withstand plane crashes, fires, was part of the hype.
Skyscrapers are everywhere. The tallest building, in Dubai, had a long fire, burned for quite a while, still there. Only three steel framed buildings in history have been brought down by fires, the Trade Towers and Building 7, some fifty stories tall, hit by nothing, fell late that afternoon, imploded, didn’t make the 911 report.
The first responders are dying from the toxic clouds produced by the explosions when the buildings imploded, fell at free fall speeds into piles of molten metal that smoldered for months.
Biden says the US out of Afghanistan by 9/11/21, has other terrorists to fight all over the world, the war machine moves on, expensive, corrupting, essentially bipartisan, America’s socialist experiment.