Harley Creel
1 min read6 days ago


Julian Assange is being released by the US government. He and Chelsea Manning exposed US war crimes in the Iraq War. Manning got a pardon from Obama after being persecuted in Federal Prisons for years. Assange became a victim of the system for “publishing” what Manning hacked from official sources, Iraq War crimes featured in the NY Times, London Times, the Washington Post, at the active close of that debacle based on the ‘weapons of mass destruction” lie, that destroyed a country.

So what? They exposed the underbelly of that war. A political prisoner, Julian Assange, none of the American Press came to his rescue. His fate became for the US Press establishment, none of their business. He wasn’t a political prisoner of Russia, or China, or Iran, or Hamas. He told truth to power and paid the price.

If there is a lesson here it’s been lost in the shuffle. Who remembers this Australian publisher journalist hounded by the US government for more than a decade? Not the American Press, which has been muted by the powers that be. Muted, the Press, by government, a curious fate for journalism, and the facts on the ground, not the propaganda, the truth.

Assange has learned a lesson the hard way, what happens to whistle blowers. Today, he’s finally on his way home to Australia, a forgotten man, and his forgotten cause, objective journalism, free at last.
