For the Biden Administration. It has been successfully intimidated by Trump and Trump nation. Biden should have had Justice and Garland tell Trump, “You bring the State secrets back or you are busted.” Trump had no reason to have State secrets after January 20, 2021. They got a search warrant in August of 2022, served it 8/8/2022.
Power corrupts, and Trump has had power and he wants it back, and he is finding ways to show Americans that he is above the law, and is plotting his return to power in 2024.
Biden has an on line publisher, Julian Assange, in a dungeon in Britain over the Espionage Act that put Manning away for years of persecution. Woodrow Wilson locked up thousands of anti WW1 anti war protestors, and socialists, with the Espionage Act. Wilson busted Eugene V Debs for an anti war speech and for being a socialist, in 1919, and that trial affirmed the Act. Debs ran for President from prison as a Socialist in the next election.
Since the search, Trump has been daring the Biden Administration to charge him with the Espionage Act, as the threats and intimidation from Trump and his allies continue.
The Republic has so far been weak on Trump, fearful, conciliatory, while Trump has jerked it around successfully, because he does not believe the Biden Administration has the courage to charge him. He is telling America that he is above the law, and proving it to Trump nation daily.