This government has busted thousands of people, including a future Presidential candidate Eugene V Debs, with this act Woodrow Wilson pushed through Congress, the Espionage Act of 1917, an act passed so the government can bust anybody it wants to bust, if they can pin the charge on you.
So its not a matter of law, at this point, its whether this draconian law gets applied to Trump, which will tell a lot about the strength of the actual players in this matter. They all know what the application of this law can mean. Debs did time, had his sentence commuted by Wilson, he was not pardoned.
Trump’s real political power will determine the outcome of his fate here. There are so many examples of his crimes, the 11, 780 votes, the fake electors, threatening Pence, assembling and sending the mob, then the inaction by the President to save the Capitol.
If Trump pulls this caper off, he is a Teflon Don.