That includes Trump nation, and Trump, and all of the rest of us, we came here from someplace else. This did not make people better than the people that were already here, but making those people lesser beings allowed expropriating their property and terminating their cultures.
The fantastic quality of this notion makes MAGA, make America great again, such a fine pitch for a confidence game, convince people that their way of life is threatened by the dark forces of liberalism, and immigrants invading their nation.
A nation of immigrants came here with nothing and took what they wanted through force of arms. They were invaders. They made the rules, they showed little respect for the people they displaced, created America out of what they conquered.
Make America great again, what does that mean? It is a nation of immigrants, created by theft and conquest. MAGA is a confidence game. Its reality is a fat old man in a red hat, and his Trump nation, people trapped in a confidence game of his contrivance, make America great again is a fantasy.