What to do?
You get who you vote for, in this case a political leader who saw the prejudices of ordinary people, exploited issues for the political appeal of these devisive issues, and the prejudices of ordinary people, and got himself elected.
What to do?
Deal with the consequences of electing a leader who could care less about the kitchen table economic concerns of the ordinary people who voted for him.
Watch the purge of his political enemies.
Watch the deportation regime decide how to round up humans, ship them to camps, then send them where?
It is the moneyed elites who will rule, the billionaires, the Elon Musks, the Tech Bros, the Republican party, not Trump nation.
Trump nation will get what they voted for, Trump. The people of a fading republic will pay the price.
In how many ways will the country have gotten what it deserves, it will see. Will this unite the country behind him?