The country can not afford universal health care, funds for early childhood education, affordable higher education. More than 10% of the country is living in poverty, and homelessness, and a lack of affordable housing are facts of life here.
The Defense Department budget, 858 billion, the first bill signed, say that the Military/Industrial Complex is calling the shots in the US Congress, as usual, a bipartisan bill, which is what was expected, the Congress, both parties are, with few exceptions, captives of this outlook, the world power game comes first, last and always.
Republicans are complaining about Ukraine spending on the proxy war, but are mum when it comes to the rest of the 858 billion. The Democrats in Congress are silent, fearful of being called unpatriotic, go along to get along, and with a few exceptions, do not question spending on the 800 or so installations in 130 or so countries, the invisible empire.
The government is a captive of this invisible empire that has captured the political class, and is now fighting a proxy war with Russia in Ukraine.