The first step this candidate will take is ripping up the Constitution and going with a Trump Golf Course and Hospitality Management, Real Estate Empire. The Trump Empire presidency will be run like he runs all of his businesses, into the ground, with malfeasance and grift as the playbook.
Listen to his present campaign, he talks badly about the judges and courts in all but Judge Cannon in the documents case. He says its a plot by the establishment, they are persecuting him because they do not want him to take his rightful place as head of the country, its leader.
Will the courts sanction Trump’s rants, or will he successfully rant on, his free speech, he says, as he runs for a job he intends to win? He has millions of willing supporters at his back. A Trump unpresidency will feature purges of his enemies, Trump foreign and domestic policies that will favor Trump Enterprises, golden faucets, and his pursuit of Trump Nation, the MAGA experience imposed.
Trump’s vision of the world may be imposed, a nation may succumb to his performance art. Listen to his speeches, Donald J Trump, he is the chosen one for America, he will get elected, he says endlessly, if not, the fix is in.